


At Devonshire Primary Academy we believe that children’s wellbeing is key to their successful development through school and onwards throughout life.  We take a holistic view of the child understanding that success goes beyond the academic achievement of learners and we therefore spread our focus on giving them tools and lifelong coping strategies to deal with situations both in school and extending that to protecting and building up their wellbeing out of school.   We believe that it is the duty of the whole school to create awareness of mental health and wellbeing and work together to embed a culture of resilience, acceptance and understanding through a growth mindset and positive language.   We have a fully trained team that are responsive and flexible to each child’s needs and provide a safe space for children.



We are constantly developing a curriculum based on the 5 points to wellbeing and creating opportunities for our learners to:

  1.  Make connections: learning how developing skills to connect with others will build positive interactions and improve sense of belonging and self-worth.
  2.  Engage in physical activities: to understand our bodies and make the connection between physical and mental health
  3.  Learn new skills: to boost confidence and raising self esteem
  4.  Give: understanding how giving to others helps build connections, creates positive feelings and a sense of reward
  5.  Be mindful: living in the present moment



Anti-bullying week 2023 focused on how we could be upstanders instead of bystanders and how we can reach out to others.


Children’s Mental Health Week

One of the best ways to look after your mental health is to make time to connect.  Devonshire Primary Academy use Children’s Mental Health Week to explore different ways to connect with each other and with ourselves, as well as creating something beautiful to make us feel good about ourselves.


World Mental Health Day

Devonshire is proud to have taken part in World Mental Health Day.  We revisited what it means to be mentally healthy and thought about how we can maintain good mental health.  We spoke about mental health issues from around the world and shared with our peers things that worry us and affect our own mental health.  The day was marked with lovely activities and open discussions as well as a bake sale that raised over £120 for a charity called Young Minds who help support young people with their mental health.

Useful Links

5-4-3-2-1 breathing – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30VMIEmA114

478 meditation – https://youtu.be/1Dv-ldGLnIY

Hand breathing – https://youtu.be/4BmcV–IpNY

Turtle breathing – https://youtu.be/xaHr6mlSVeI

Square breathing – https://youtu.be/PHQ7YZYRAms
