Our Ethos

Here at Devonshire Primary Academy we believe that all children deserve an education rich in wonder and memorable experiences, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge.  We believe that an education that does all of this gives children the best chance to become well-rounded, happy individuals, ready to succeed in an ever-changing world.  Our ethos is that no child is left behind and, in Preschool, experienced early years practitioners work tirelessly to identify and address barriers to learning.


At Devonshire Preschool, you will notice a calm environment and a neutral space, accented with well thought out resources that are purposely placed to support and extend children’s learning.  We enhance our play spaces regularly by reflecting on the children’s progress, skills and their specific interests.

An enabling environment provides children with the space and resources to play, explore and learn.  The environment is a crucial aspect of our offering at Devonshire Preschool and is widely evidenced within the Early Years as being a key factor in supporting children’s learning and development.


Our outdoor learning is a unique and a completely different experience from what children already have access to indoors.  Open-ended resources offer a wider variety of opportunities.  They allow children to exercise their creative and critical thought process, encourage discovery, collaboration, risk taking and movement.  However, most importantly, they give children time to revel in the simplicities and delight of the everyday.  What may look like a pile of scrap and loose parts to some, is a fabulous treasure chest of possibilities to a child.


We offer a choice of sessions for our children:

Lower Preschool – Forest Class

Children begin Lower Preschool the term after their 3rd Birthday.  They will then continue their learning journey through to our upper Preschool (Jungle Class).

Our Daily Routine (Download Document)

Upper Preschool – Jungle Class

Children begin Upper Preschool the September before they are due to start school.

Our Daily Routine (Download Document)

Applying for a Place in our Preschool

If you wish to discuss our Preschool or applying for a place, please send an email to preschool@devonshire.blackpool.sch.uk.  Please include your child’s name and date of birth in the content of the email.

Alternatively, you can can click below to complete an application form or collect a paper copy from the school office.

Useful Links

Government Grant – https://www.gov.uk/apply-30-hours-free-tax-free-childcare

Hungry Little Minds Website – https://hungrylittleminds.campaign.gov.uk/
